Thursday, April 19, 2007

4 Weeks Post-op!

I can hardly believe it has been a month since I dropped Casey off and balled my eyes out in the office and in the car! So glad that is behind us!

Well he is doing great. We are slowly trying to increase his walks. We are back up to 10 mins. I think we will stick here for a bit and then try a little more. Casey does such nice controlled walking in our yard, but once on the street he pulls more and is excited to be free of the boring back yard. I tend to do more walking in the yard for easiness with the two kids, but also for the comfort of no other dogs being able to attack him or even come near him to cause a possible "oops" moment.

Casey continues to not be on any medications. Just his Cosequin DS for his joints! I am so happy he is handling this all so well. We are not scheduled to see the orthopedic again until 6 weeks. This apt is just a check in apt meaning that there is not any real reason for it. The ortho said we could even cancel if we wanted if it was a big deal getting Casey there and back. Well it is a big deal as both my husband and I must go so he will stay in the sit or down position the whole ride so as not to walk on his leg in the moving minivan. I am leaning towards keeping that apt though just for progress report sake!

We have x-rays at 9 weeks to confirm bone healing. I look forward to that day. Seems so far still.

As for Casey's appetite, he is doing well there. Loving his new dog food. I switched him to Canidae. He also is getting a yummy stuffed Kong here and there and the buster cube. All these things are trivial to keep him busy as it is tough to keep an active dog confined for so long. He is a great patient though.

I will update again soon. Thanks for reading:)

1 comment:

Grace & Maeby said...

Yay Casey :) Glad he's walking well and loving his Canidae. Maeby loves it too!! Are you getting concerned at all about it with the 2 new PREMIUM dog food recalls? I am but I don't know if I'm just being paranoid...