Wednesday, April 25, 2007

5Weeks Post-op

Yippee! Casey is recovering very well. Nothing really to report which is great! He is up to 12 minute walks 3 times a day. He has gotten excellent walking on the leash now. He was good before, but a bit of a puller. Now he does great. His leg seems to be healing well. He has a bit more freedom of the bottom floor when I am home so that is helping to increase the muscle too. The more walking the better!

Weather seems to be improving too so Casey is happy spending time outside enjoying being a dog again!

He is feeling better and asking to play with us more and more. We are trying to play in a way that is safe and having him lay to play with us. He seems content with that.

Recently we switched his food to Canidae and he loves it. Lately he is refusing to eat it or will eat it an hour later, but wants his wet food back. So I went and got him some today! He ate it up. I am just giving him enough to mix it up. That is what he likes I guess. I got the Canidae in the can.

We go back to the orthopedic at 6 weeks just for a check in. I have some questions so I will ask them then.

I am very happy with Casey's progress and hope to continue to increase the increments of our walks to build his atrophy of the muscle back up. He is really missing his couch, and has sneaked up a few times. He seems fine, but I am trying to keep them covered at all times. Tough with two little kids!

The hair is coming in well now too! Yeah! Almost can't see where the epidural was, and the leg top coat seems to be coming in too. I will try to take more pictures!

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